How healthy is your bedroom? What you sleep on truly matters the most for your wellbeing. An average person will sleep for basically one third of their life, so it’s important to make sure what you’re sleeping on is healthy for your body. DesignWell will be kicking off a Healthy Sleep Series this week to help detox your environment and live well! Let’s start by deep diving into the most important part of your bedroom, the bed.
Electric Beds (high EMFs)
I am not a fan of anything plugged in around the area you sleep, this includes electric beds. While electric beds can be great for helping you sleep, they also come at a cost. Electric beds emit electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) that can be harmful to your body’s cellular makeup and cause a host of health issues. A majority of the time electric beds carry motors that are right underneath your heart (YIKES) which can lead to major health issues down the road. If you do choose to keep your electric mattress, try adjusting your mattress to a position where you feel most comfortable and then unplug to help contain unneeded EMF’s.
Memory Foam Mattresses (chemicals)
Memory foam mattresses and covers are often prescribed by doctors and chiropractors due to their support for your spine and bones. However, many people aren’t aware of the toxic chemicals, petrochemicals and oil related chemicals, that are loaded inside. It’s important to let your body breathe and recharge while you sleep, so exposing yourself to these toxins can be super harmful for your body. Throughout the years I have seen many cases personally that result in subjecting individuals to chemical sensitivity.
Beds with Springs or Metal Frames (conduit to EMFs)
Another common household bed is one that contains springs or metal frames. Metal acts as a conduit for EMF’s. For example, when sitting in your bed at night and your scrolling on your phone or iPad, electromagnetic fields begin to emit from your devices. These fields are like waves that go around in a circle, vibrating, and essentially getting trapped around your body. Springs or metal frames act as a magnet for radio frequencies that can distort the earth’s natural magnetic field and may lead to a restless sleep and other possible health issues.
Traditional beds (chemicals)
Traditional beds also have a host of petrochemicals in them along with fire retardants. Beds made post 2005 do not have them in them thanks to Arlene Blum from the Green Science Policy Institute! PBDE, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers is the chemical in fire retardants that are associated with endocrine disruption, immunotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, cancer, and adverse effects on fetal and child development and neurologic function. It is a common chemical that was used in mattresses as a fire retardant until 2005 when it was banned in the United States. Unfortunately all foam decomposes with age and Harmful PBDE in older mattresses and therefore continues to pollute ones bedroom.
Green Science Policy Institute
Healthy Solutions:
Natural Latex Beds (even for pets!)
Natural latex beds are awesome! While most mattresses and bedding contain a full spectrum of chemicals that may impede our sleep habits, natural materials like latex, wool, and organic cotton mattresses and beddings allow your body to breathe and stay healthy. These natural materials contain no chemicals, no metals, and are super comfortable. Check out Mulligan Mattress for cost effective, handmade natural latex beds without chemicals.
Wooden Bed Frames (make sure they aren’t finished or made with chemicals like formaldehyde)
Solid wood bed frames are the perfect natural material for your bedroom. However, it’s important to make sure that you’re using solid wood. Particleboard furniture can contain glues made of formaldehyde, a toxic gas contributing to poor air quality and adverse health effects.
Earthing Mats (grounding)
“When we make direct contact with the surface of the Earth, with our bare feet or hands, our bodies receive a charge of energy that makes us feel better, fast.” ( Earthing mats are mats that cover the surface area of your bed to help release a natural and grounding energy. These mats allow you to have a deeper and more well-rounded sleep and make a great addition for your healthy bedroom.
So, how healthy is your bedroom? Contact DesignWell Studios to schedule an environmental assessment and to find your best sources so you can sleep well knowing your body is protected. Stay tuned for more infomative artciles on healthy bedrooms.
Be Well.