Now you can test your home, workplace, vehicle for chemicals, mold, EMFs and water quality! Work with our enviornmetnal wellness consultants to go over your results from our accrediated labs and get the guidance you need to get your environment and health back on track!
VOC/Chemical Test Kit
Test for over 500 different types of chemicals in your indoor environment that may be off gassing from building materials or furnishings inside or industrical chemicals from outside. Each kit comes with a rental pump and, VOC test, Formaldehyde test, COC form, instructions and a free consultation to go over your reports.
Mold/Mycotoxin Test Kit
Test for over 500 different types of chemicals in your indoor environment that may be off gassing from building materials or furnishings inside or industrical chemicals from outside. Each kit comes with a rental pump and, VOC test, Formaldehyde test, COC form, instructions and a free consultation to go over your reports.
EMF Test Kit
With our curated test kits, you can test your home for high levels of EMFs and see where hot spots are and learn how to fix, shield or avoid to protect you and your family’s health. Comes with an EMF meter, an RF Meter as well as a Dirty Electricity meter and filter. Includes virtual consultation to go over testing. A summary will be sent after testing with recommendations on remediation or how to lower levels to a safer state.
Water Test Kit
Test your water for forever chemicals, heavy metals, pollutants and more. Work with our environmental wellness consultants on which water filtration systems are the best for you.