
WHAT ARE EMFs? Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible lines of energy from electric charges surrounding power lines, electrical appliances and other electrical equipment.  People receive the majority of EMF exposure from power lines near homes, electrical appliances held closely to the body, and cell phones and towers. Radio-frequency and microwave-frequency EMFs, such as from cellular phones and towers, involve a much higher frequency than power lines and most electrical appliances.  

Why test?
You own a home, or are looking to purchase one, that may be near power lines, substations, transformers or cell towers and you want to know if they are emitting elevated electromagnetic or radio frequency levels that could impact your health. Or, you may want to check inside wiring/outlets for health and safety.

There are no federal standards limiting work or home exposure to EMFs. Over 80% of the electromagnetic fields you are exposed to every day are background EMRs coming from Cell Phone Towers, Satellite Systems in Space, WiFi, TV/Radio Broadcast Towers, HAARP, GWEN, etc. You can control the levels in your own home, we can show you how.  Studies like THE BIOINITIATIVE REPORT show that long term exposures from RF and EMF can contribute to serious health effects.

Virtual EMF Testing + Meter Rental

Now you can have professional guidance and information about testing EMFs in your own home and workspace. All you need to do is purchase a meter and schedule your assessment here(click below). An EMF specialist will walk you thru each room of your home and guide you in testing specific areas. We will take the measurements and send you a report with the readings, guidelines and recommendations if needed.

Your own meter, 1 hour room by zoom assessment and testing guidance, professional report.

Test your home in confidence with professional meters and support

This is one of the most accurate gigahertz meters on the market. It is made in Germany! We have been using the advanced version of this meter for years and now we are offering this easy to use, efficient and calibrated meter along with our support in EMF testing. Many meters on the market are inaccurate. We help you test in the right places and show you if there are any concerns that need to be addressed.


5G is here. It’s not just an upgrade!

They are hundreds and thousands of antennas that produce small cell microwave radiation. Know where they are and if they are by your home, call us to test and find out how to shield.

Click the map to see if it is anywhere near your home. https://www.nperf.com/en/map/5g.

5G operates in a high-frequency band of the wireless spectrum. Because high frequency waves have a harder time traveling over distance & through objects, the 5G network will be built on small cell site technology with antennas as close as 500 feet apart.

5G FREE Oregon - for more information and how to donate to help stop 5G

8/16/21: Historic Win Against FCC on 5G & Wireless Health Guidelines

Consult with us on how to protect yourself from small cell microwave radiation and to test.

How to Identify 5G Antennas



  • AC ELECTRIC FIELDS AC voltage in electrical installations, cables, appliances, outlets, walls, floors, beds, high-tension and other power lines

  • AC MAGNETIC FIELDS – AC current in electrical installations, cables, appliances, transformers, motors, overhead and ground cables, power lines, railways

  • RADIO FREQUENCY RADIATION – cell phone technology, RF transmitters, broadcast, trunked radio systems, radar, military, cordless phones, smart meters, wireless devices and appliances

  • DC MAGNETIC FIELDS – steel components in beds, mattresses, furniture, appliances, building materials; DC current in street cars, photovoltaic systems

  • DIRTY ELECTRICITY - Dirty electricity is a term coined by the electrical utility industry to describe electromagnetic interference (EMI) caused by plugging incompatible electronics into the electric grid, or outlets in your home or at work. A series of health effects, associated with dirty electricity (power line EMI), has been recognized in several scientific studies. Computers, battery chargers, Wi-Fi, TVs, game consoles, compact fluorescent lighting or solar panels. Biological Impacts of Dirty Electricity

In children, we are seeing increases in psychiatric disorders, psychotropic medication use, chronic medical conditions, delinquency, addictions, aggression, sensory integration issues, and disability filings.
— Victoria Dunckley, MD, Child Psychiatrist & Author, Reset Your Child’s Brain


EMFs and RFs may be linked to a variety of health problems including leukemia, lymphoma, brain and nervous system cancers, melanoma, breast cancer, miscarriage, birth defects, Alzheimer’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, depression and suicide. EMFs have been associated with symptoms such as nausea, headache, fatigue, anxiety, dizziness, mental confusion, memory loss, sleep disturbance, itchy or burning skin sensations, and skin rashes. 

Living near towers has also been linked to brain tumors, cancer, suppressed immune function, depression, miscarriage, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and autoimmune illnesses such as Fibromyalgia and lupus. Studies have found that kids living near cell towers have double the frequency of leukemia.

This was an international effort by scientists to compile what was known at that time about the biological effects and mechanisms of action, and included studies showing EMFs create oxidative stress, blood-brain barrier permeability, genotoxic and fertility effects, heat shock (or stress) proteins, changes in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and in neurotransmitters, and much more. They say: “In children, we are seeing increases in psychiatric disorders, psychotropic medication use, chronic medical conditions, delinquency, addictions, aggression, sensory integration issues, and disability filings.” EMFs are reduced greatly by increasing distance from the source.